Trait which influences health outcomes.
Examples for "medical attribute "
Examples for "medical attribute "
1 There are many other medical attributes too which can be added to the Dashboard.
1 Demographic and medical characteristics were both associated with probability of contact and probability of response.
2 Each case was reviewed for reported medical characteristics and legal aspects, including the outcome of the case.
3 Demographic and medical characteristics explain individual differences in mental but not physical aspects of patient quality of life.
4 Conclusion: The SWLS is a global measure of life satisfaction and is relatively unrelated to demographic and medical characteristics .
5 Discontinuation was associated with women's social and medical characteristics and with factors related to side effects and expectations concerning HT.
1 Doctor Crawford went over also, to look after some of his medical property .
2 He would never be able to get Patna opium here; it was a valuable medical property .
3 Canada Dry set up a stand there to advertise the medical properties of its product.
4 The medical properties of these two beverages are considerable.
5 Thus the medical properties of animals, of plants, or minerals, are due to spiritual manifestations.
6 Its outpatient medical properties include outpatient medical buildings.
7 The night watchman, too, had a little shrub, to whose seed-pods he attributed medical properties of a barely credible order.
8 NiCox was founded in 1996 in Sophia Antipolis, southern France, and focuses on the use of medical properties of nitric oxide.
9 As before intimated, petroleum was found in Venango County by the earliest white settlers, and was esteemed for its medical properties .
10 Lemon is a very good medicine, and it is surprising to know how few people realize what medical properties the lemon contains.
11 Medical property investor Vital Healthcare has reported a first half net profit of just under 23-million dollars, down marginally on a year ago.
12 Yet the proportion of plant species investigated for their medical properties was estimated at just 1,150 out of 365,000.
Grammar, pronunciation and more
This collocation consists of: Translations for medical property